SER Australasia Conference
27 April, 2021
The Water & Carbon Group recently concluded a 5-year project partnering with Logan City Council, Griffith University and the Australian Government to complete 25 hectares of targeted reforestation across 6 sites in Slacks Creek. The Slacks Creek Restoration Project was greatly successful in creating long-term ecological assets for the Logan community.
Following this, our Project Ecologist, Dan Cole attended the biennial conference held by the Society for Ecological Restoration Australasia (SERA) where he presented a poster based on an abstract created in conjunction with Ecological Consultant, Greg Siepen from the Hut Environmental and Community Association (THECA).
The abstract & poster were based upon the planning and delivery of ecological assets for communities, highlighting both the Griffith University Environmental Arboretum and the Shailer Pioneer Park Wetland from the Slacks Creek Restoration Project.
A key theme that emerged throughout the conference was the importance of embedding community value into projects and creating ecological assets that can help contribute to conservation and learning into the future.
Both of the highlighted sites have seen a large amount of community engagement over time, with a number of organisations using the sites for events, educational tours, birdwatching sessions and recreational activities.
Upon the creation of these sites, a community group – the Slacks Creek Catchment Restoration Group (SCCRG) was formed by members of the community to continue the maintenance and upkeep for the sites. The group strives to maintain the viability of the sites to ensure that they can continue to add value to the Slacks Creek community into the future.
The Water & Carbon Group strive to create value for the surrounding communities in all of our projects, merging positive sustainable and social outcomes wherever possible.