In The News: Turning over a new LEEF

5 April, 2023

"Australian environmental engineering and construction firm, the Water & Carbon Group (WCG) has developed a treatment system proven to remove PFAS (per- and polu-fluoroalkyl substances) from wastewater.

The LEEF (Low Energy Evaporative Fractionation) System® is centred around foam fractionation to remove PFAS contaminants by harnessing air, and the chemical properties of PFAS itself, all while using minimal energy, no chemicals or consumables.

Jai Sudholz, the Water & Carbon Group Pre-Contracts Manager, says the system is a remedy to a growing but still widely under-recognised contamination problem.

"Our treatment system is designed to make a lasting, positive difference to people and environments, while helping operators and industries meet the PFAS challenge head on," he says."

Read the full Waste Management Review magazine here. 

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